The School of Truth is situated in South Africa and it provides spiritual guidance to people all over the world. It was established by Nicol Campbell in the first half of the previous century.
Prayer works, not by accident, but by design - God's Design! And did you know - tuning in to God is all it takes to make Prayer work? And it's FREE!
The School of Truth is a non-creedal, non-denominational organisation that is open to people of all religions and creeds. Our work is designed to help you raise your God-consciousness.
Membership of the School of Truth is absolutely free.
(Please don't forget to state your contact details)
We produce a bi-monthly booklet called "The Path of Truth" and we send it free of charge to all our members worldwide. You will notice that we also post it online to the right of this notice.
We also offer a prayer request service. The Prayer Group meets twice a day, weekdays, at 09h30 and 11h30 South African time, if you would like to join us in Spirit, please do so on the principle of "Where two or more are joined in My name..." You can also send us your prayer request directly by clicking the link below.
We also have regular lectures on Spirituality in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town and these are sometimes recorded and posted on the main pages.
While people do send us monetary donations, because that is what makes it possible for us to produce, print and post the Path of Truth, fully pre-paid, to our members worldwide, you can rest assured:
The School of Truth will NEVER ask you for money under any circumstances.This is fundamental to our Spiritual philosophy. So the only time you will ever want to send us money is when Spirit-Within you prompts you to do so and because you have learned the principle that you must Give to receive.
Our telephone numbers are +27 482 5622 and +27 482 5856
Copyright Notice
All of the material on this page is the copyright of The School of Truth. (The material may not be used for commercial use or material gain)
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